Learn to Clear the Clutter, Get Organized & STAY Organized...




There is no doubt in my mind that the key to simplifying your life, is by starting to simplify your space.  And before you know it, you'll gain the confidence and clarity to make living with less clutter and more YOU a lifestyle

As you take the next step forward, consider the difference a community, a coach, and a plan can make in reaching your goals. 

Join the Community!



You’re over the clutter, it's putting you in a bad mood, and it feels easier to just ignore it.


BUT, you desperately miss the part of yourself (the real you) that you're quite certain is buried under the piles. The piles of clutter that feel like a secret gone bad.  


Yeah that’s what I thought. 


And I’m here to tell you, I hear you loud and clear and I know it’s not for your lack of trying or caring.


Yet, despite your ability to successfully show up in other areas of your life, you can't get a handle on the clutter no matter what you do -  causing you to stress out, which of course restarts the cycle of more clutter. 


You know you want to regain control of your space and ditch the overwhelm, but the combination of the busy lifestyle you're leading, feeling stuck with not knowing where to start, the guilt of not being able to maintain your space, or the merry-go-round of decision making, leaves you feeling like this is the only lifestyle you'll know...until now. 

You've likely found yourself wondering



" Where can I even find the time to make any real progress? "


while being the boss, business owner,  entrepreneur, mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, employee, volunteer, teacher, creative, cook, chauffeur, advocate, coach, dream chaser, care taker, wellness maker, 
in other words badass human that you already are!


  • Perhaps you've tried to get organized before but you end up just shuffling clutter around because you don't know what to prioritize. 

  • Resetting your space literally takes more time than you have

  • You have drawers, closets, and entire rooms of clutter, so at this point  any additional clutter seems to fit right in. 

  • You get sidetracked and lose focus, because getting and staying organized is not how your brain naturally thinks so you'd rather find something else to do that doesn't feel so hard.

  • Making decisions on what to let go of and what to do with it all, leaves you feeling defeated and on the verge of tears. 

  •  You feel like you're the only one in your house that even cares about staying organized. 

  • Don't have any time left over for yourself. 



It can feel like slowing down is going to cost you.

But the truth is,  more (of the wrong things) is what's costing your physical space and mental clarity.   

 ...and you put clearing clutter and getting organized off until tomorrow.


Then tomorrow turns into next year. 


And before you know it you have wasted precious time, money and energy on: 


  • looking for things (because they're  somewhere under the piles )

  • moving things (because they have no true home)

  • cleaning up things (because there is just so much and no one else helping)

  • storing things (because we don't know how to let go)

  • buying things (because we can't find what we need or it helps fill a void) 





When you trust the process,

you'll be able to lean into a life of less clutter and more you because you finally:


  • Gained the confidence to identify and let go of clutter (in all forms)

  • Built habits and mindsets that stop the clutter before it builds up

  • Created systems and a lifestyle that work for you and not against you

Imagine if...

  • Your home was a place of rest and relaxation away from the constant spinning of the outside world

  • You ( and your family! ) knew where to find something and where it belonged when it was time to put it away 

  • You had less to clean, manage, move, pick up and touch throughout your day

  • You could finally invite the people you love into a space you love, even when you receive that last minute "I'll be there in 10!" text message

  • You didn't have to  google or create a new bedside pile of get organized books in order to find answers to your decluttering and organizing questions

  • You found time for yourself  to do more of what makes you feel like yourself

AND! What if you had a professional organizer and decluttering coach guiding you forward?  Someone who has seen and  worked in it all, to the point that no space scares or surprises her.  




Sign me up! ➡


When you combine mindset shifts with action steps, you will start to lean in and trust the process. And that is where the magic happens. Because the more action you take, the stronger your decluttering muscle becomes and the more confident you will be. Confidence in not only clearing the clutter and getting organized, but STAYING organzed! 

Imagine turning the exact thing that feels overwhelming today, into a lifestyle of habits and routines that become second nature. A lifestyle of less clutter, more order, and most importantly more YOU! 

Join the Community!


Whether you are new to the journey of decluttering and organizing, or feel you need to get back on track, this community is here to remind you of why you started and motivate you to keep going -


 without sacrificing YOU or your TIME.



And just who will be inside guiding you forward on the path towards  

Less Clutter and More You?

Me! I'm Maggie

Owner of Chesterfield Organizing Co., Professional Organizer, Decluttering Coach, Podcast Host, Visual Problem Solver and Homebody at Heart.


As a wife of an outdoor enthusiast and fellow entrepreneur, a mother of four active humans and two (fairly) lazy pups, creating clutter-free and organized physical spaces throughout my day-to-day, is non-negotiable.


The clearer my physical space, the clearer my mental space. 


And after working  with homeowners in hundreds of spaces, I quickly realized it wasn't just me.  I continued to see how the clutter affects so many, women and mothers in particular.

The ability to think clearly or relax in their own homes, was becoming an add on bonus, not a lifestyle. 

Through my work in-person and online helping others declutter and organize their spaces, I have discovered the missing pieces to what most homeowners need to get (and stay!) organized... and I want to share that with all of you! 


You're going to





The COCO Organized self-paced course is all yours for immediate access.

This course will walk you through my COCO Organized signature 4 step framework to getting and staying organized. The same process we use on jobs and the same process I apply any time I feel the overwhelm creeping in with my space, relationships, commitments and ridiculous stories I tell myself about what is and isn't true in life. 

And once you learn this repeatable process, you too will be able to apply it to every form of clutter , not just the physical clutter. From digital clutter to commitment clutter to mental clutter to emotional clutter, you'll have the tools to apply in any setting.   Did I mention the mental clutter- yeah ok, just making sure I go that big one in there! 



Monthly take action sessions.

Don't know where to start ? Need help staying focused ? Looking for feedback in real time? 

Then the monthly live sessions are for you! 

And as our community grows, more sessions will be added so it's even easier to drop in when your schedule allows.

This is one of my favorite features, because you'll be amazed at what you can accomplish with just a virtual hour spent together! Plus, it's fun to put a face to a name...or a smile to a profile picture :) 


Private Podcast


You may not have all the time in the world to sit and read answers to your questions, but with Dear Maggie, the community's private podcast, you'll be able to listen to the Q&A style bite size episodes whether you're sitting in your car waiting for practice to end, getting in a workout, or late night when the insomnia hits. Thanks a lot forever changing hormones, for that last one! 

I may even go as far as the possibility that you could use this private podcast as a replacement  for the self-help books that are collecting dust and donate them to let someone else find the time to read them. 

Submit or call in your questions within the community !



We're in this together !

With safe and non-judgmental community standards, you'll be able to lean on community members to keep you accountable and motivated.

Share your wins and your challenges with members who share similar goals, have been where  you are or are headed to where you want to go.  

Think of it as personal cheerleaders who care what you have to say about how the clutter in your life is making you feel and how you want to change it, for the good! 



Challenges are the perfect thing to keep you moving forward and give you step by step actions you can take...at your own pace.

From just starting out to further along the journey, find what works for you. 

And the only thing you'll be competing against is the clutter that's stealing your sense of peace. 


In addition: 

As a COCO Organized Community member you'll :


🎉 Have access to member only  "Show me your space" offer 


🎉 Hear first about new openings in Clear the Clutter Academy and any new offers. 


🎉 Receive discounted admissions to any in-person or virtual events


GIMME ACCESS TO The COCO Organized Community!
Sign me up! ➡
  • A Community....... $297 Value

  • A Plan ....... $197 Value

  • A Coach....... $1300 Value

  • A Course....... $497 Value








Monthly Payments


  • Immediate Access 
  • Self-Paced Course
  • Live Monthly Sessions
  • Private Podcast  - Dear Maggie
  • Answers to Your Questions
  • Access to members only rate for my  "Show me your space,"  offer. 
  • Discounted members only rate for in-person events and Clear the Clutter Academy online small group
Join the Community!

Get your hands on the exact process I use with my in-person clients and members of Clear the Clutter Academy small group program, plus the opportunity to take action towards reaching the goals you know you're ready for!

If you know this is for you, use this opportunity to finally transform your relationship with your home, and your life, for years to come! 

Still Have Some Questions?

I know first hand from my own journey and working 1:1 with homeowners, just like you, how rewarding physically and mentally it is when you begin to make the shift to simplicity. 

And, though I know it can feel hard to power through some of the roadblocks and find the time, I also know that you will surprise yourself. Because, my friend-you won't believe what you are capable of when you lean in and take that next step forward. 

Just a reminder





The COCO Organized self-paced course is all yours for immediate access.

This course will walk you through my COCO Organized signature 4 step framework to getting and staying organized. And once you learn this repeatable process, you'll be able to apply it to every form of clutter from digital clutter to commitment clutter to mental clutter to emotional clutter.  Did I mention the mental clutter- yeah ok, just making sure I go that big one in there! 



Monthly take action sessions.

Don't know where to start ? Need help staying focused ? Looking for feedback in real time? 

Then the live sessions aare for you!

Whether you are decluttering or organizing, working through your tasks together can make all the difference in reaching your goals. 

Pick and chose what you need, when you need it. 

Private Podcast


You may not have all t time in the world to sit and read answers to your questions, but with Dear Maggie, the community's private podcast, you'll be able to listen to the Q&A style bite size episodes whether your sitting in your car waiting for practice to end, getting in a workout , or late night when the insomnia hits. 

Submit  or call in your questions within the community !



We're in this together !

With safe and non-judgmental community standards, you'll be able to lean on community members to keep you accountable and motivated.

Share your wins and your challenges with members who share similar goals, have been where  you are or are headed to where you want to go.  



Challenges are the perfect thing to keep you moving forward and give you step by step actions you can take...at your own pace.

From simple to more involved- You can choose challenges based on where you are on your journey and for what your schedule allows for. 

And the only thing you'll be competing against is the clutter that's stealing your sense of peace. 


In addition: 

As a COCO Organized Community member you'll :


🎉 Have access to member only rate for my "Show me your space" offer 


🎉 Hear first about new openings in Clear the Clutter Academy and any new offers. 


🎉 Receive discounted admissions to any in-person or virtual events. 


  • A Community....... $297 Value

  • A Plan ....... $197 Value

  • A Coach....... $1300 Value

  • A Course....... $497 Value





$37 / Month  



Monthly Payments


  • Immediate Access 
  • Self-Paced Course
  • Live Monthly Sessions
  • Private Podcast  - Dear Maggie
  • Answers to Your Questions
  • Access to members only rate for my  "Show me your space,"  offer. 
  • Discounted members only rate for in-person events and Clear the Clutter Academy online small group
I'm in! SIgn me up!

Get your hands on the exact process I use with my in-person clients and members of Clear the Clutter Academy small group program, plus the opportunity to take action towards reaching the goals you know you're ready for!

If you know this is for you, use this opportunity to finally transform your relationship with your home, and your life, for years to come!